MEDAN - The prayers of a brother and sister in Medan, North Sumatra, who have severe skin diseases have been granted. North Sumatra Governor, Edy Rahmayadi, came to visit the kids.

Governor Edy came to visit children from Mandailing Natal Regency named Haykal and Zakira on Karya Jaya Street, Medan Johor.

Governor Edy couldn't hide the sad expression on his face when he visited Haykal and Zakira. After meeting the two boys, Governor Edy apologized.

"I apologize because I just found out about this", said Governor Edy, Sunday, July 4.

Governor Edy emphasized that he would try to help the healing process of the two children's illnesses. Shortly, Governor Edy will form a team to diagnose Haykal and Zakira's illness.

"God willing, we have to try, start our children. I will form a team later led by a pediatrician, Dr. Inke Lubis. Later, with the support of Dr. Sari, form a team, we will find out what the pain is. So we have to know for sure what the pain is", he said.

Governor Edy said these two children had repeatedly been treated at the hospital. Currently, the two children are undergoing alternative medicine.

"Earlier, according to his parents' information, the birth was complete, there were only 1 cm spots like burning, it finally happened this big. He was about 7 years old. His brother, who was 3 years old, had broken fingers", he continued.

Governor Edy Rahmayadi visited 2 brothers and sisters who had severe skin diseases

Governor Edy suspected that Haykal and Zakira's illness was related to gold mining activities in the two kids' villages.

"Tomorrow, because this afternoon I don't want to, because I am too tired to be taken to the hospital. On average, in this village (Mandailing Natal) gold mining activities are above", he said.

However, Governor Edy was reluctant to discuss whether the gold mining activities in the two kids' villages were illegal. He just made sure, starting tomorrow the team will work to find out Haykal and Zakira's disease.

"But we can't talk about it (illegal). We'll make sure tomorrow the doctor comes to the laboratory, we see, we have to diagnose and we know what the pain is", he said

Meanwhile, the mother of Haykal and Zakira, Nisa, said she was happy that her two children had been visited by the Governor of North Sumatra.

"I'm glad that the Governor has come, I hope that you can find a solution for Haykal's treatment to overcome this disease. Let Haykal and Zakira recover from their illness, just be happy", said Nisa.

So far, said Nisa, she has repeatedly taken her two children to the hospital but has not shown any improvement.

"When was born was like that, there were already symptoms, but the fingers were normal. But as got older, didn't even have attached nails. They were so deformed. But when they were born it was normal", he said.

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