YOGYAKARTA - The implementation of the first day of Emergency PPKM in the city of Yogyakarta begins with creating conditions to ensure that all communities, business actors, and other elements understand the rules made.

"Today, we are trying to condition all parties, the community, business actors and others so that they understand and carry out the Emergency PPKM regulations well," said Yogyakarta Deputy Mayor Heroe Poerwadi, quoted by Antara, Saturday, July 3.

According to him, the first day of Emergency PPKM activities began with an assembly of troops involved in the COVID-19 Task Force, namely Satpol PP, Dishub, Fire, Polresta, Kodim, and Military Police.

The officers then carried out patrols throughout the Yogyakarta City area, starting from the main areas such as Tugu, Malioboro, to the Yogyakarta Palace and other areas.

In addition to patrols, blocking points have also been prepared on roads that provide access to the city of Yogyakarta, such as Jalan Urip Sumoharjo, Jalan Magelang, Wirobrajan intersection, Jalan Parangtritis, Jalan Gedongkuning.

“We are preparing with the combined strength of the Transportation Service, Polresta and Kodim. The goal is to screen people who come to Yogyakarta,” he said.

Visitors are asked to show an identity card, vaccine card, and a valid health document that is at least a negative antigen result.

"This is an effort to condition so that during Emergency PPKM, the City of Yogyakarta can control community mobility," he said.

Based on the results of monitoring on the first day, one of which is in the Malioboro area, almost all street vendors and shops have closed their businesses.

"Indeed, there are still one or two that are open but then they are asked to close and comply with the provisions. We also inform you that if you do not comply with the rules, strict action will be taken. Forced closure," he said.

Likewise at Beringharjo Market. “There are still clothing vendors that are open but were later asked to close. Traders of basic necessities remain open with strict health protocols and a 50 percent capacity limit," he said.

The Yogyakarta City Government has also issued Yogyakarta Mayor's Instruction Number 14 of 2021 to support Emergency PPKM. "We also closed all tourist destinations, government-run parking lots. We're all closed," he said.

Sub-districts and sub-districts are also asked to carry out patrols in their respective areas to ensure that all places of business comply with regulations and prevent potential crowds from forming in the area.

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