MEDAN - A 13-year-old boy in Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, molested his own sister. This depraved act was carried out at the victim's house.

"The first time the suspect carried out his action took place around 2 months ago," said the victim's attorney, Irwansyah Rambe to reporters, Friday, July 2.

The perpetrator is said to have molested his sister three times. The perpetrator, according to Irwansyah, admitted that he was influenced by the viewing of pornographic videos in internet cafes.

"The suspect often watches pornographic films at an internet cafe. In addition, he also often watches them through the suspect's cellphone," he explained.

This depraved act was revealed after the victim complained of pain to her mother.

"It was found out on June 30 yesterday. So the younger brother complained to his mother when he felt sick when he wanted to urinate," he said.

This incident was then reported by the victim's biological mother to the Percut Sei Tuan Police.

"Currently the suspect is temporarily deposited at the Percut Sei Tuan Police during the process," said Irwansyah

The police also directed the victim's mother to do a post-mortem to add evidence.

"The Sector Police directed the victim's mother to do a post-mortem because after the incident, the mother immediately reported it to the Percut Sei Tuan Police," he said.

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