JAKARTA - The magician who is now turning to Youtuber, Deddy Corbuzier, apparently did not have a permit from the Directorate General of Corrections (Ditjen PAS) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights during an interview with a corruption convict who is also former Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari.

"(Interview) has not applied for a permit," said the Head of Public Relations at the Directorate General of PAS, Rika Apriani, when contacted by VOI, Saturday, May 23.

Rika then explained, any activity involving prisoners must have the permission of the Public Relations of the Directorate General of PAS. Including interviews like the one Deddy Corbuzier did. "Permission to interview should be to the Directorate General of Public Relations," he said.

Due to this incident, the Directorate General of PAS is investigating further why the interview without permission between Deddy and Siti Fadilah happened. Including finding the responsible party.

It is known that magician Deddy Corbuzier on his YouTube account interviewed the former Minister of Health, Siti Fadilah Supari. The contest entitled 'SITI FADILAH, A CONSPIRATION - I AM EXCLUSIVE' has been watched by 2,664,984 people and is liked by 179 thousand people.

Using a conspiracy hashtag, in the video that lasts more than 25 minutes, Deddy talks about many things with Siti. Including Siti's claim to stop the spread of the bird flu virus while he was still in office.

Siti Fadilah is currently serving a sentence after a judge sentenced him to four years in prison, a fine of IDR 200 million, a subsidiary of 2 months in 2017. He was languishing in Pondok Bambu Prison.

He became a prisoner after being caught in a corruption case that was investigated by the Corruption Eradication Commission. Siti was charged with a corruption case in the procurement of medical devices to anticipate the Bird Flu Extraordinary Event (KLB) in 2005 at the Ministry of Health's Health Problem Management Center (PPMK). In addition, he was also proven to have pocketed gratuity of Rp1.9 billion.

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