JAKARTA - The government is rumored to be replacing the COVID-19 control system that is even stricter with the name PPKM (Restrictions on Community Activities) emergency. This replaces the micro PPKM which has been running for several months.

It is reported that President Joko Widodo chaired a limited cabinet meeting today to discuss the details of regulations regarding emergency PPKM.

Then, when will the implementation of the emergency PPKM be announced? The spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, asked the public to wait until it was announced.

"Just wait for the government's direction to improve the performance of PPKM", said Wiku when confirmed, Tuesday, June 29.

Wiku said that regardless of the efforts to control COVID-19 cases and their regulations, community participation is very necessary so that the transmission of the Coronavirus can be suppressed.

"The government wants to ensure that PPKM and Micro PPKM can run effectively involving the participation of all components of society. Control of COVID-19 cases cannot be handled by one party alone", he said.

Previously, the Head of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Ganip Warsito said the government would tighten the micro PPKM rules that had previously been tightened.

Ganip explained that the government would change several rules from the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 14 of 2021 regarding micro-based PPKM.

"Later, there will be changes to Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 14 of 2021 which we are still guiding today. This restriction is also carried out to control so that COVID-19 does not spread further", Ganip said at a BNPB coordination meeting, Monday, June 28.

Ganip leaked several regulations that will be tightened in areas with red zones (high COVID-19 risk) and orange zones (moderate COVID-19 risk).

If previously the government issued a policy of working from home (WFH) 75 percent only in areas with red zones, later the orange zone areas will be included in the regulation.

"For example, is the implementation for PPKM activities. WFH and WFO will be applied at 75 percent and 25 percent for red and orange areas", he said.

In addition, the operational activities of the business sector will be tightened. The operating hours of malls and shopping centers are shortened. Then, restaurants will be prohibited from serving dine-in.

"For the economic sector such as this mall, it is only operational until 17:00. Restaurants are only allowed to take away, this is limited to 20:00", he said.

"These are some restrictions that will later be applied as a revision of the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs which is being guided to this day", he continued.

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