BATANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo asked the TNI/Police, and other officers to help implement the lockdown in 7,000 neighborhood units (RT). These RTs are spread over 25 regencies/cities with red zone status.

"Currently, there are around 7,000 RTs that I asked for a lockdown. Now it's just a matter of monitoring it so that it can be implemented immediately", said Ganjar Pranowo during a visit to the Kalisari Hospital, Batang Regency, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 29.

This lockdown, said Ganjar, is an effort to prevent the increasingly massive transmission of COVID-19 in Central Java.

"To the public, I ask to wear masks and not to gather in groups because according to the instructions from the Minister of Home Affairs there can be no more than three people", he said.

For social and religious activities, he suggested that they be carried out at home first.

If people can stay at home for 14 days, according to Ganjar, it will help efforts to suppress the spread of COVID-19, which now tends to increase sharply.

"The transmission of COVID-19 is quite extreme. Therefore, the Regional police chief and Commander of the military command have conveyed to the Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas (Village Trustees and Bhayangkara Community Security and Order) that they will help carry out patrols", he said.

Regarding the availability of oxygen cylinders in each hospital, Ganjar said that there were additional oxygen cylinders to supply the needs of the hospital.

"Additional oxygen cylinders for hospitals will be supplied from West Java, East Java, and Morowali", he said.

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