JAKARTA - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) said there are a number of countries that are expecting help from Indonesia to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Although he did not explain which country requested assistance, the Acting Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Teuku Faizasyah said that Indonesia was currently considering providing this assistance.

"We note that there is hope from a country that expects assistance from Indonesia and of course we are considering all this," Faizasyah told reporters, Wednesday, May 20.

This consideration, according to him, must be done so that Indonesia can provide assistance in accordance with existing capacities, including prioritizing which countries are most in need of assistance in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile at home, Faizasyah explained, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also part of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 to facilitate international assistance.

Currently, he said, there are already 111 international partners who are part of strengthening the handling of COVID-19 in Indonesia. The hundreds of partners consist of 11 state partners, 12 international organization partners, and 88 others from non-governmental organizations including the private sector.

"So we continue to pay attention to facilitating assistance provided from friendly countries and other parties in our efforts to deal with the COVID-19 problem," he said.

Distributing food packages for Indonesian citizens

Some time ago, the government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has distributed 375,162 packages of basic necessities and medical needs to Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are abroad.

"The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and all representatives of the Republic of Indonesia abroad have and will continue to increase efforts to protect Indonesian citizens as much as possible," said Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi during a press conference at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Tuesday, May 11.

As of May 10, packages of basic food and medical supplies have been distributed to 6 regions. First, a total of 344,369 basic necessities have been brought to Malaysia, 5,240 to other Asia and Pacific regions, 19,083 groceries to the Middle East, 3,350 food packages to Europe, 13,015 to the Americas, and 105 to Africa.

The distribution of basic necessities by representatives of the Republic of Indonesia is assisted by Indonesian community organizations in each country so that assistance reaches the respective Indonesian citizens.

"I really appreciate the initiatives of various Indonesian communities abroad to work hand in hand with representatives of the Republic of Indonesia abroad in providing assistance to our brothers and sisters who are most affected by the COVID-19 virus," said Retno.

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