JAKARTA - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) stated that up to May 11, 623 of the 1,440 Indonesian citizens were non-residents or short-term visa holders who could not return to Indonesia due to flight cancellations and other matters.

"Of these 817 people have returned to Indonesia, until now there are still 623 people who have not been able to return to their homeland and we continue to try them as soon as there is an opportunity or opportunity we facilitate their return to their homeland," said Acting Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Negeri Teuku Faizasyah to reporters, Wednesday, March 20.

Of these, Faizasyah explained, on Tuesday, May 19, 182 Indonesians had returned from Pakistan and were facilitated by the embassy in Islamabad.

Those who returned, consisted of 136 members of the tabligh congregation, 17 students, 13 students, and 16 travelers or tourists.

All Indonesian citizens who returned home were confirmed to have complied with domestic health regulations to prevent the spread of COVID-19. These regulations, among others, have carried out health checks and have a medical certificate issued by the Pakistani state authorities.

"On arrival in Jakarta, they also underwent a further inspection process and underwent a 14-day quarantine at a place that had been prepared by the government," he said.

He also mentioned, there are hundreds of Indonesian citizens abroad who are currently infected with COVID-19. As of today, he said, there are 839 people who have contracted COVID-19.

Of that number, 381 of them tested positive. While the rest, as many as 413 people have tested negative. "As for those who died were 45 people, five of them who worked on ships or crew (ABK)," he concluded.

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