If The Antigen Results Are Negative But There Are Symptoms Of COVID-19, You Are Advised To Take A PCR Test
Illustration (Photo: Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

JAKARTA - Head of the Disease Prevention and Control Division of the DKI Jakarta Health Service, Dwi Oktavia, suggested that people who have negative rapid antigen test results but still feel symptoms of COVID-19 to continue to re-examine.

"What the public needs to know and pay attention to is if you feel symptoms but when the antigen test is negative, you should do the PCR test", said Dwi in his statement, Friday, June 25.

Because, said Dwi, people who are tested positive for COVID-19 during an antigen test, will almost certainly also be tested positive during a PCR test. However, if the result is negative during the antigen test, it is not necessarily negative during the PCR test.

"It can be positive when tested by PCR, especially if you have symptoms", she said.

Although they both detect the coronavirus, the PCR and rapid antigen tests have different characteristics. The PCR swab examines the genetic material of the virus, namely RNA.

This makes the sensitivity or accuracy of the PCR test higher than that of the antigen. Meanwhile, the antigen test only detects the presence of the outside of the virus intact.

Furthermore, Dwi also advised residents not to panic when they were diagnosed with positive antigen or PCR. For residents who get positive results during the COVID-19 examination, make sure to immediately carry out a PCR test at the health center for free or other laboratories independently.

The steps when tested positive for the Antigen/PCR test are as follows:

1. Report to the local Neighborhood units/Public Health Centers

2. While doing self-isolate at home, first, keep wearing a good mask at home, separate yourself from other family members.

3. Ensure close contacts in the home/work environment immediately perform a PCR test.

4. The Neighborhood unit and the public health center will assist in daily monitoring of the patient's condition. The health center will determine the management steps that will be taken by the patient according to their respective conditions, whether to self-isolate at home, controlled self-isolation locations, or referral hospitals.

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