JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation has prepared three anticipatory phases to secure the flow of transportation to and from Jakarta. This is done to prevent travelers during the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation, Adita Irawati, emphasized that monitoring of traffic flow to and from Jakarta will be tightened until the end of the Eid al-Fitr or Lebaran celebration.

The first phase, said Adita, will last until May 23. In this phase, what will be done is tightening the posts at check point locations on toll roads and non-toll roads. The police, Dishub and Satpol-PP, as well as the TNI and the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) will carry out the checks on the riders.

"The rules remain strict. People who continue to go home will be returned. Travel cars will be taken firmly or landed," he said, in a video conference with journalists, Tuesday, May 19.

Then, continued Adita, alternative roads and small roads that could potentially be used as mouse roads, will also be tightly guarded by the Police. Meanwhile, for buses carrying passengers, according to SE Number 4 of 2020, they will be labeled with a sticker as identification.

"The bus will have stickers to make it easier for advices to supervise," he said.

Then, the second phase will start at the peak of Eid, namely May 23-24. Adita explained that the anticipatory steps were not much different from the first phase. However, in this phase there is also a tightening in the Jabodetabek area.

Adita said, Kemenhib and the related team will concentrate on tightening traffic in Jabodetabek. There will be blockages for short-distance trips, namely Jakarta-Cirebon, Jakarta-Kuningan and Jakarta-Bandung.

"DKI has tightened the entry and exit of people, including the prohibition of going home to Jakarta during Eid, local homecoming is the term. This will later be strict action to block short-distance trips. Vehicles that force homecoming will be issued at kilometer 31," he said.

Strengthening Personnel

The last is the post-Eid phase. Adita said that personnel would be strengthened to block out and enter Jabodetabek traffic. Incoming vehicles will be sprayed with disinfectant.

"Conducted in conjunction with other agencies. Police, Transportation Agency, and Satpol-PP, as well as the TNI and the health office of the Ministry of Health, and Jasa Marga," he said.

Furthermore, Adita said, the rest area will also be regulated. The Ministry of Transportation will cooperate with toll road managers. In addition, it will also prepare a crane vehicle.

"The sanctions on this road are with the police. The same police must all be enforced. Imprisonment and Rp. 100 million are the maximum sanctions. In accordance with Article 22 of Law Number 6 on Health Quarantine, that later in the field will be the discretion of the Police," he said.

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