JAKARTA - The idea of extending the presidential term to 3 terms seems unstoppable. Later, the COVID-19 pandemic situation became the reason for the addition of the presidential term.

Responding to that, Paramadina University political observer Hendri Satrio, emphasized that any reason cannot be justified to change the presidential term of office for 2 terms. June 23.


According to him, President Joko Widodo has often refused to extend his term of office. So, there is no need for a constitutional change.


"We'll just follow what Mr. Jokowi says, be perpendicular to the institution and perpendicular to the existing regulations. So we no longer need to revise, especially taking the advantage of the pandemic to extend the presidential term, I don't think it's necessary", said Hendri.

Besides that, according to Hendri, the 3-term position for the President of the Republic of Indonesia is a setback for democracy in the country.


"In fact, those who have the idea are not saving the country, they are pushing this country into a democratic decline and the abyss of a life that is not better than it is today", he said.


Hensat, as he is familiarly called, hopes that no one will oppose Jokowi's wishes regarding the presidential term. Both political parties and volunteers.


There are two reasons, he said. First, Indonesia has never had a shortage of leaders. Second, Jokowi has built Indonesia very well.


"We must give Mr. Jokowi the opportunity to complete the development that he leads well and can be recorded in history well", he explained.


"Well, hopefully, no political parties take the initiative to carry out that because it is very contrary to the conscience of the people. In addition, civil society must also have one voice to advance based on the law. So there is no need for additional terms, whether it is the presidential term of office or the election of the president", said Hensat.

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