Student Shooter At Mangga Besar Arrested, Under Intensive Investigation
Illustration (Photo: Pixabay)

JAKARTA - The police arrested the perpetrator of the shooting of a student who dispersed a crowd that was having an alcohol party in the Mangga Besar area, Taman Sari, West Jakarta.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Taman Sari Metro Police, Police Commissioner Adjutant Lalu Musti Ali, said that the perpetrator was arrested this morning. The arrest was made after his identity was known based on the testimony of witnesses.

"We have arrested him," said Police Commissioner Adjutant Lalu to VOI, Wednesday, June 23.

Not only the shooter, continued Lalu, his party also arrested his colleagues. Because, they also attacked the victim and local residents using sharp weapons.

"We have arrested 10 people, including the shooter," he said.

It's just that Lalu could not mention the identity of the shooter. The reason, the perpetrator and his colleagues are still being investigated intensively.

On the other hand, he said, of the 10 people who were arrested, 2 of them were women.

"We are still exploring each other's roles," he said.

Previously, the student with the initials MIS (18) was shot by an unknown person (OTK). The shooting was suspected because the perpetrator did not accept being disbanded during a liquor party.

As a result of the incident, the victim suffered three gunshot wounds. Two on the right hand and one in the armpit.

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