CISARUA - The Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) in Bogor Regency, West Java, dismantled dozens of stalls for street vendors (PKL) in the Puncak area, Bogor Regency, which often led to crowds.

"There were 61 street vendors and stalls that were demolished in Puncak Bogor", said Secretary of the Bogor Regency Satpol PP, Iman Wahyu Budiana after the control, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 22.

According to him, the demolition had to be carried out because traders and visitors often ignored health protocols even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, the activities of street vendors are considered to have disrupted public order, such as causing congestion in the parking area of the At-Taawun Mosque to the road.

"Every night it is crowded, especially the full Saturday-Sunday 'weekend', many hang out, and many eat so that it has the potential to become a cluster of COVID-19 transmission due to the crowd", said Iman.

The demolition involved the Bogor Regency COVID-19 Handling Task Force from various elements, such as the National Armed Force (TNI), police, and sub-districts.

"We organize and unload street vendors here so that the parking capacity is wider for people who are going to do prayers. Plus, Bogor Regency is still within the framework of micro-scale community activity restrictions (PPKM) which cannot be open 24 hours because of the crowds", he said.

Regarding the relocation of the merchants, he said, his party could not confirm it because it was still being studied by the Bogor Regency Government. So far, street vendors from various regions are not allowed to sell in the At-Taawun Mosque area.

According to Iman, his party will take firm action if traders are still determined to sell on the road around the mosque in the Puncak area.

"We are still thinking about whether the local government will relocate or not because the community needs to make a living. We recommend them for the time being because it is still a pandemic to stay at home for a while. Later, maybe they can return to selling elsewhere", said Iman

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