JAKARTA - Two months' salary and holiday allowance (THR) had not been paid, the employees of the Grand Tropic Hotel Tanjung Duren, West Jakarta, to hold a peaceful demonstration. They demanded that the hotel management pay their delayed salaries and THR. Because they really expect a salary for their daily needs and support their family.
A number of employees can't stand the promises of paying salaries and THR from the company which have not been realized. Finally, they held a demonstration demanding that their rights be paid on Tuesday, June 22.
Various posters with the tone of their demands were spread as a form of annoyance. "Immediately pay our salaries & THR, if we didn't get paid, we can't buy milk for our children", said one of the posts they wrote on the poster. And there are still many sentences with the same tone that they say.
![Grand Tropic hotel employees demonstrating. (Special) Karyawan hotel Grand Tropic yang berdemo. (Istimewa)](/storage/publishers/60992/body_image_2021062212.jpeg)
According to one employee who did not want to be named, what they are demanding is a natural thing. Because they really expect a salary for their daily needs. "We demand what is our right. We really hope for the salary and THR to meet the needs of daily life", said one of the employees of the Grand Tropic hotel to VOI.
According to the employee, they understand that the company is currently experiencing difficulties due to the impact of COVID-19. But what they observe is that the hotel is not completely empty now compared to the early days of the pandemic.
"Now we have guests. Especially on weekends. On weekdays, it's okay, but guests are still there. That's why we ask the management to pay for our rights. We are already working, it is our right to get a salary and THR", he said.
He and other employees hope that the management will listen to their calls. Understand the needs of those who rely heavily on salaries to buy food and milk for their children. This is a very basic need. "We don't demand anything, we ask for our salaries and THR to be paid", said the employee.
Meanwhile, the management has not been able to provide answers and certainty about the demands of the employees who are demonstrating. Sukinto, from the Building Management section of the Grand Tropic, told VOI that they have absorbed what the employees have called for. But to give an answer to the demand he can not give it at this time.
Sukinto does not blame the employees who staged demonstrations or demonstrations demanding salaries and THR. "We are discussing this in the management department", he said of the employee's demands.
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