JAKARTA - The government has decided to strengthen the implementation of Micro-Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). This decision was taken after an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in the community.

Chairman of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) Airlangga Hartarto said that the strengthening of Micro PPKM will be carried out from June 22 to July 5 or for two weeks.

"Regarding the thickening or strengthening of the Micro PPKM, the President's direction was to make adjustments. So this will take effect from tomorrow, June 22 to July 5," Airlangga said in a press conference broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Monday, June 21.

There are a number of restrictions that are regulated, including those regarding office activities in ministries/agencies as well as BUMN and BUMD.

"For BUMN and BUMD in the red zone, the WFH is 75 percent. While in the non-red zone it is 50:50 with an emphasis on strict procedures and the application of rotating working hours," said the Coordinating Minister for the Economy.

The arrangement of working time in shifts is done so that there is no mobility from one area to another. "And this will be further regulated by the ministries/agencies and local governments," said Airlangga.

Meanwhile, seminars and meetings in the red zone must be conducted online until conditions for the spread of COVID-19 are declared safe.

"For other zones, of course, this will be allowed at a maximum of 25 percent of capacity. So meeting and seminar activities are also a maximum of 25 percent of capacity," he said.

Airlangga also touched on public transportation arrangements. He said the local government must regulate capacity and operating hours by implementing stricter health protocols.

Next, the restrictions also target restaurant operations to street vendors. If previously the capacity of restaurant visitors was allowed up to 50 percent, now the capacity has been reduced by 25 percent.

"For dine-in activities, it is at most 25 percent of capacity and the rest is take away (eating out)," explained Airlangga.

Meanwhile, the delivery service is adjusted to the operating hours of restaurants and street food vendors which are limited to 20.00 western Indonesia time.

These restrictions on operating hours and visitors also apply to malls or shopping centers. Usually, malls can open until 21.00 western Indonesia time, with the strengthening of the Micro PPKM they are only allowed to open until 20.00 western Indonesia time.

"Activities in shopping centers, malls, markets, and trading centers have maximum operating hours of up to 20.00 western Indonesia time and limiting visitors to a maximum of 25 percent of capacity," said the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs.

Meanwhile, essential sectors such as industry, market services, public utilities, national vital projects, supermarkets, pharmacies can still operate. As long as it is adjusted to operating hours, capacity, and the implementation of strict health protocols.

Furthermore, tightening will also be carried out on activities in public areas such as public facilities, public parks, tourist attractions, and public areas.

If it is in the red zone, the facility will be temporarily closed until it is declared safe. Meanwhile, if located in other zones, this public facility is limited to a maximum of 25 percent of the previous 50 percent capacity.

Next, arts and culture activities to the community at arts and socio-cultural locations in the red zone will also be closed until conditions are safe. This is done to prevent crowds and crowds of people who can increase the number of cases.

"Other zones are allowed to open a maximum of 25 percent, regulatory capacity from the government with strict implementation of prokes," said Airlangga.

This restriction also applies to celebratory activities in the community. "At most 25 percent of the room's capacity and there is no dining on the spot," said Airlangga. "So the food is also taken home," he added.

So what about religious activities in houses of worship?

Airlangga said activities in each place of worship such as mosques, prayer rooms, churches, temples, and others in the red zone will be temporarily suspended until conditions are safe. This decision is adjusted to a circular letter from the Minister of Religion.

"Well, for other zones of course in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Religion and strict procedures," explained Airlangga.

While related to religious activities such as Eid al-Adha which will fall on July 20, the government through the Ministry of Religion will issue a separate circular that regulates a number of things including the slaughter of animals and their distribution.

"This is regulated by a health protocol and the Minister of Religion will issue a special circular for that," he concluded.

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