JAKARTA - Papua Province Regional Secretary Dance Yulian Flassy requested that the formation of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of South Papua province be accelerated.

He claimed, it was to improve welfare and better government services to the people in the easternmost region of Indonesia.

"The policy of establishing a new province in the southern region of Bumi Cenderawasih will make the span of government control shorter. Thus, services to the community can be better, maximal and more felt by the community", said Papuan Secretary, Dance Yulian Flassy, through a regional website, reported by Antara, Sunday, June 20.

Dance Flassy said the Papuan provincial government proposed that the formation of the South Papua Province be accelerated.

"The Papuan provincial government, the Papuan House of Representatives, and People's Consultative Assembly are jointly pushing for the acceleration of the formation of the South Papua province", said Secretary of Regional, Dance Flassy.

Dance Flassy admits that institutionally it ensures that it participates in encouraging the formation of the new autonomous regions of South Papua Province.

Because this division is seen as important and a solution for accelerating development on Papuan land.

"The goal is only one, namely to make development more felt and its impact to be felt by the community", he said.

Previously, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian emphasized that currently, 317 regions have proposed new autonomous regions to the government. However, none of them were approved by the government.

This follows the state's financial situation which makes it impossible to expand an area due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, four regents in regencies located in southern Papua, namely the regents of Merauke, Boven Digoel, Asmat, and regents of Mappi have officially declared the establishment of the province of South Papua on Tuesday, June 15, 2021.

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