SURABAYA - The Surabaya COVID-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force conveyed the destruction at the Suramadu Bridge blocking post because residents were in a hurry, resulting in misunderstandings.
"On average they are in a hurry to go to work and leave before dawn. Then here there is a buildup so they have to wait. Well, at that time there were those who were impatient and wanted to hurry up until others were affected," said Deputy Secretary of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID -19 Surabaya, Irvan Widyanto quoted by Antara, June 18.
Previously, several videos of the destruction of the isolation post in Suramadu on the Surabaya side went viral on a number of social media.
In the video, tables and chairs are scattered and a number of documents are scattered.
Several officers and health workers who were unable to contain the residents finally saved themselves.
A number of TNI-Polri officers seemed to try to calm the residents at the location and soon the situation was under control.
Irvan explained that the destruction occurred at around 04.45 WIB, while the buildup of residents had been since 03.00 WIB.
"It turns out that at the Bangkalan isolation post there has been no test, so when we were here we did an antigen test. Because it was piling up, in a hurry, it ended up being crowded and there was destruction," he said.
Although there was a riot, he admitted that it did not damage the test equipment and health.
"Those scattered tables and chairs, then documents as well. Thankfully, no one attacked the officers so they could be immediately controlled," said the head of the Surabaya City Disaster Management and Community Protection Agency (BPB Linmas).
Meanwhile, Tanjung Perak Port Police Chief AKBP Ganis Setyaningrum also conveyed the incident because there were many residents and couldn't wait for the test and the results.
"Then there are also those who honk, until others join in and the situation is out of control. However, we can handle it and hope that people will always be patient," he said.
Officers, he said, had carried out according to procedures and directions, even 24 hours. The police have not arrested anyone related to the destruction of the post, but are still examining witnesses at the location.
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