JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Muhaimin Iskandar alias Gus Ami asked the Secretariat General of the DPR to tighten the health protocols (prokes) in the Parliament Complex, after dozens of DPR members were confirmed positive for COVID-19.
"The Secretariat General of the DPR must tighten the health protocols within the Parliament," said Gus Muhaimin in his statement in Jakarta, Friday. If a meeting requires physical attendance, it must be limited to only 25 percent of the meeting room capacity. Only 25 percent of the room is enough, the rest of the meetings are done virtually. The virtual meeting does not reduce the essence of the meeting itself," said the man whose full name is Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar
![House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia. (Intermediate Photo) Gedung DPR RI. (Foto Antara)](/storage/publishers/60232/body_image_2021061815.jpg)
He also instructed the Secretariat General to carry out a swab test and conduct "tracking" and "tracing" on parties related to members who were confirmed positive for COVID-19. always obey health protocols. "Even though we have been vaccinated, we still adhere to the health protocol, so we don't get infected with the COVID-19 virus," he said.
Previously, the Secretary General of the DPR RI, Indra Iskandar, revealed that based on the data he received, 11 members of the DPR and many support staff were exposed to COVID-19, so that entry into the Parliament Complex was tightened. experts, the PPN consists of Internal Security (Pamdal) and Parliamentary TV there are 7 people, 17 civil servants, and 11 members of the DPR," said Indra at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Thursday. Commissions in the DPR such as Commission I and Commission VIII of the DPR have postponed meetings because there are members of the DPR, ASN, experts, and cleaners who have been exposed to COVID-19.
That is the special request of the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Muhaimin Iskandar, seeing the development of people exposed to COVID-19 getting crazier. He asked for strict restrictions in the DPR RI building.
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