JAKARTA - The National Police said that a suspected terrorist with the initials KDW who was arrested in the Bogor area, West Java, received his expertise in self-taught explosives. His expertise was obtained by reading books.

"Books were found at the crime scene on compounding explosives. So he studied on his own, studied himself", said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Thursday, June 17.

In fact, from the results of the examination, KDW also taught his group how to make bombs. That way, there is a young terrorist successor who can make bombs.

"Then share their knowledge with the network", he said.

One of the ways KDW provides knowledge on making bombs is through WhatsApp Groups. It was there that KDW explained how to mix chemical liquids into bombs.

"A social media group was created whose members are the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) group and he provides understanding and lessons in the group. The person concerned is the admin. So he doesn't only sell but also gives lessons", said Ramadhan.

Previously, it was reported that Densus 88 Anti-terror arrested one suspected terrorist with the initials KDW in the Bogor area, West Java. From the provisional examination, the suspected terrorist acted as a provider of bomb-making chemicals in the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) network.

"The role of the suspect KDW is to prepare chemicals that will be used as raw materials for making bombs", said Head of Public Information Bureau of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono to reporters, Tuesday, June 15.

During the arrest of a suspected terrorist on Monday, June 14, various chemicals were found. For example, dextran, magnesium sulfate, sodium borate, HCL to sulfur.

In addition, this suspected terrorist is also known to be actively spreading content with elements of terrorism on his social media accounts. He is also an admin in the WhatsApp Group who often discusses jihad.

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