SURABAYA - Bangkalan Regency, Madura, is the only area in East Java that has returned to red zone status. The reason is that COVID-19 cases in the area have increased dramatically.

"Bangkalan Regency has entered the red zone again as of June 15", said Spokesperson for the East Java COVID-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force, Makhyan Jibril, Wednesday, June 16.

Based on data from the East Java COVID-19 Task Force on Tuesday, June 15, there were 75 additional COVID-19 cases in Bangkalan. The addition is the highest in East Java.

The total number of COVID-19 cases in Bangkalan is 2.384 cases with 1.553 people recovering, 232 people dying as many as 232 people.

"Active cases reached 599 cases. This number is also the highest in East Java", he said.

Bangkalan Regency is the only area in East Java that is included in the red zone. In East Java alone, 33 regencies/cities are included in the COVID-19 orange zone. Then, there are four regencies/cities that are included in the COVID-19 yellow zone, namely Lumajang, Probolinggo, Sumenep, Pamekasan.

"So far, there are 3.221 active cases of COVID-19 in East Java. The zoning indicators are based on cases, the number of deaths, and recoveries", said Jibril.

Preparing 9 Isolation Places

A number of buildings are being prepared for the isolation of Bangkalan residents who are positive for COVID-19. In total there are nine hospitals and buildings that are ready for use.

The three buildings prepared are the former office of the Bangkalan Surabaya Madura Regional Development Agency (BPWS), the Bangkalan Job Training Center (BLK), and the Bangkalan Education and Training Center. Specifically, BPWS has functioned as a place of isolation.

"BPWS functions as a centralized COVID-19 isolation in Bangkalan, has a capacity of 72 people, and has been filled with 55 patients", said Jibril.

As for the BLK Building, Jibril continued, the capacity is up to 50 beds, and the Training Center Building is able to accommodate up to 74 patients. In addition to the three places, the Bangkalan Hospital itself has been increased to 150 isolation beds and 14 ICUs.

"In addition, six supporting hospitals have been prepared in Surabaya", he said.

Among them, Dr. Soetomo Emergency Hospital, Unair Hospital, Surabaya Hajj Hospital, PHC Hospital, Adi Husada Undaan Hospital and Al Irsyad Hospital, and the Indrapura Field Emergency Hospital have started treating patients from Bangkalan.

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