JAKARTA - The Directorate of Cyber Crime, Bareskrim Polri, has submitted a request for the seizure of the Health Social Security Administration (BPJS) server. The confiscation was carried out to explore various matters related to the case of burglary of 279 million data related to population.

"Then a special permit application has been made to confiscate the Health BPJS server", said Head of Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas), Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, to reporters, Tuesday, June 15.

The request for confiscation will later be submitted to the Surabaya District Court. Because the server location is in Surabaya, East Java.

Later, if the Surabaya District Court has given permission, investigators will immediately confiscate it for the benefit of the investigation process.

"The BPJS server is in Surabaya, so the investigators made a request for a special permit to confiscate the server to the Surabaya District Court", said Rusdi.

Previously, the National Police said that the case of the leak of 279 million population data related to BPJS had begun to find a bright spot. In fact, it has led to the perpetrators.

"Then they have also checked online the suspected cryptocurrency belonging to the perpetrator. For the time being, investigators have found a profile belonging to the perpetrator in the Raid Forum", said Rusdi.

"The investigator's profile has read that. The investigators just need to investigate. In the future, there will be developments. Of course, it has led to a profile of the perpetrators", continued Rusdi.

However, Rusdi has not been able to confirm the whereabouts of the perpetrators, including the suspicion that they are abroad. However, he stressed that the investigation team would thoroughly investigate the case.

"It will be confirmed (the whereabouts of the perpetrators)", he said.

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