JAKARTA - Prabowo Subianto shared his reasons for accepting President Joko Widodo's offer to become defense minister when asked by Deddy Corbuzier in the YouTube Deddy Corbuzier Podcast broadcast on Sunday, June 13.

Prabowo admits that he and Jokowi are rivals during the 2019 election. However, that is not the basis for him to be an opponent forever.

"For me, we are rivals, rivals in one competition, does the rival in one competition have to be opponents?" said Prabowo on the Deddy Corbuzier Podcast viewed by VOI, Jakarta, Sunday, June 13.

He added, "Let's remember when we were at school. We ran in a race, someone won and someone lost, I played soccer and my team lost, did we hit it off? That in my opinion is a very low IQ."

Prabowo said that he and Jokowi had the same vision, which was to become president to serve Indonesia. That's what made him want to join Jokowi's cabinet.

"So, one, he wants to be president, I want to be president, what does he want to be president for? It's to serve, to serve, to Indonesia, so do I, want to serve Indonesia. Well, if you both want to serve, how come have to fight. It's better to work together 2-2 to serve the red and white, "said Prabowo.

This attitude, Prabowo said, was exemplified from the history of Toyotomi Gideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu, as well as Abraham Lincoln and William Seward.

Toyotomi Gideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu are close rivals, but they agree to unite for a better life in Japan.

Meanwhile, Abraham Lincoln raised William Seward even though the two were enemies. Lincoln raised Seward on the basis of love for the United States and they agreed to serve each other for the country.

"A big country is like that. If you are disappointed, of course, but we are committed to serve, for red and white. I think there are many in Pak Jokowi's circle who don't agree, right? But we are for red and white, right," said Prabowo.

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