BOGOR - Head of the Bogor City COVID-19 Task Force, Bima Arya Sugiarto, met with representatives of Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS) sympathizers. Bima Arya, who is also the Mayor of Bogor City, agreed to continue to open communication rooms and take action against all health protocol violations.

"Essentially, we agree that the handling of COVID-19 will not be favoritism. In the future, the task force will focus on being firm on prokes violations", Bima Arya said after a meeting at the Regional House of Representatives Bogor City, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 11.

According to Bima Arya, the Bogor City COVID-19 Task Force opened a dialogue and continued to build communication to maintain togetherness, and so that the city of Bogor was always conducive.

The dialogue between the Bogor City COVID-19 Task Force and representatives of Habib Rizieq Shihab's (HRS) sympathizers at the Bogor City DPRD building lasted for about two hours.

The dialogue was attended by, among others, the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, Danrem 061 Suryakancana, Dandim 0606 for the City of Bogor, the Head of the Bogor City Police, and the Chairman of the Regional House of Representatives Bogor City, while 10 representatives of HRS sympathizers were represented, including Habib Mahdi Assegaf.

During the dialogue process, the mass of HRS supporters held a peaceful demonstration on Pemuda Street, in front of the Regional House of Representatives Bogor City Building, while carrying posters that read aspirations and curses.

Meanwhile, the Head of Operations Section of the Bogor City Police, Kompol Prasetyo, said that there were around 1,500 people who came to the front of the Regional House of Representatives Bogor City Building. While the joint security officers from the police, TNI, and Civil Service Police Unit were prepared around 840 people.

The mass of HRS sympathizers, some of whom were women, were standing in front of the gate, on the road in front of the building, or sitting on the road. The demonstration was peaceful and orderly.

The representative of the mass of HRS sympathizers, Habib Mahdi Assegaf, before entering the Regional House of Representatives Bogor City building for a dialogue, had delivered an oration in front of the demonstrators, to be orderly and peaceful. He asked the demonstrators to convey their aspirations politely.

"We came to the Regional House of Representatives building to voice our demands so that Habib Rizieq Shihab could be released", he said.

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