JAKARTA - Head of the Disease Prevention and Control Division of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office, Dwi Oktavia, said that there were currently 19 cases of the new variant of COVID-19 in Jakarta.

"DKI Jakarta is actively examining Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) samples, of which 649 samples have been examined. There are 19 cases of Variant of Concern new virus mutations found in DKI Jakarta", said Dwi in a written statement, Thursday, June 10.

The details, as many as 18 cases have a history of travel from abroad and 1 case of local transmission. However, Dwi did not explain what type of virus mutation entered the capital.

Not only that, but Dwi also explained that 988 families were infected with COVID-19 from the Lebaran homecoming cluster this year.

"From the identification of the homecoming cluster from May 21 to June 10, 2021, there were 2,008 positive cases from 988 families", said Dwi.

Currently, there are 3 neighborhood units (RT) in the red zone or high risk of COVID-19 in Jakarta. There are 23 RTs in the orange zone or moderate risk. This RT is currently undergoing massive contact tracing.

After that, clusters of transmission emerged in the community in a number of sub-districts, namely Cipayung, Cengkareng, Cilincing, Ciracas, Pasar Minggu, Kemayoran, and Pulogadung.

"For this reason, we urge residents to increase vigilance, do not relax health protocols, because transmission is still happening", he said.

Dwi also revealed that there were quite a lot of new cases added today. As of June 10, 2021, there were 2,096 positive cases from the examination of 15,775 specimens.

This figure has increased from new cases as of June 8 as 755 cases and as of June 9 as many as 1,376 cases.

51 percent or 1,070 positive cases of which were the results of tracing the Public Health Center, the majority of which were carried out in RT PPKM Mikro, while 1,026 positive cases were found in health facilities.

"The number of active cases in Jakarta today increased by 970 cases, so the number of active cases to date is 12,820 people who are still being treated or isolated", said Dwi.

The distribution of 2,096 positive cases today spread across the Thousand Islands 2 cases, West Jakarta 422 cases, Central Jakarta 331 cases, South Jakarta 499 cases, East Jakarta 637 cases, and North Jakarta 205 cases.

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