JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has prepared questions to the KPK commissioners regarding the polemic of the national insight test that was reported by Novel Baswedan and a number of other employees. At least 30 questions will be asked.

"There are at least 20 to 30 questions. There are important questions and there are confirmation questions," said Komnas HAM Commissioner for Monitoring and Investigation Mohammad Choirul Anam in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 9.

The second summons for the KPK leadership is rescheduled for Tuesday, June 15 after the first summons was not fulfilled by Firli Bahuri.

For example, the question is to determine whether there is a certain document, or why the document can exist, including whether or not there is an event.

These questions have been prepared or formulated by the team since a few days ago and there were additions this morning.

"If this is not confirmed and we consider this to be in accordance with the existing documents, we will conclude," said Anam.

Therefore, it is important for the KPK leadership, especially Firli Bahuri as the Chairperson of the KPK, to come to the second summons and provide various information needed by Komnas HAM.

He considered that if the head of the anti-corruption agency fulfilled the summons, the case would be resolved more quickly. This is because the public is also waiting for confirmation from the chaos that has occurred within the KPK.

On that occasion, Anam also appreciated the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) for fulfilling the call of the National Human Rights Commission and providing a number of required information.

"That is something very good. We get a detailed explanation of how the process from start to finish," he said.

However, Komnas HAM has again scheduled a summons from the BKN next week. Because, there are still a number of things that are needed from the case of the national insight test.

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