JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the MPR RI, Hidayat Nur Wahid, demanded the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) to audit the Hajj funds for Indonesian pilgrims managed by the Implementing Agency for the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH).

This, he said, highlighted the confusion about the hajj funds, related to the cancellation of the 2021 hajj departures.

According to Hidayat, the existence of an audit from the BPK made the public know that the money saved was still safe and not a penny was used.

"The demand for audits of hajj funds is growing. Even though there are guarantees from the Minister of Religion and the Head of BPKH that hajj funds are safe. To eliminate slander, and ensure the safety of hajj funds, it is better if the BPK transparently audits hajj funds immediately, with the support of BPKH & the Ministry of Religion," wrote Hidayat on Twitter account @hnurwahid, Monday, June 7th.

The member of Commission VIII of the DPR said that the BPKH, which was established in 2017, had twice in a row obtained the best qualification (WTP) from the BPK. They certainly have no objections to meeting the public's expectations, moreover, the examination can prove the credibility of BPKH itself.

Even though the BPKH has stated that the funds for the prospective hajj pilgrims are safe, BPKH, BPK, and the government cannot turn a blind eye and ear to the public's suspicion of using the hajj funds.

"This must be answered immediately, transparently and professionally, so as not to cause slander and public unrest, which will further lead to people's distrust of the state and state institutions," Hidayat told reporters, Tuesday, June 8.

The deputy chairman of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Syuro Council considered that it was very important for the BPK to carry out its constitutional duties as regulated in Law no. 34 of 2014, article 52 paragraph 6, in a transparent and professional manner. So that the suspicions that exist in society today can be answered correctly and clearly.

“The mandate of the law must be carried out properly, so that public trust in the State and state institutions, such as the BPKH is maintained. And they can be reassured that their hajj funds are safe and can still be used in time for hajj expenses," said Hidayat.

Previously, the Head of the Implementing Agency for the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) Anggito Abimanyu had responded to the #AuditDanaHaji hashtag that was developing on social media.


"Many also make hashtags, Hajj funds are audited, right," said Anggito in a webinar on Monday, June 7. Anggito then explained that as a state institution, BPKH is routinely audited by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). Starting from semester audits, annual audits, to special audits.


For audits of the 2018 and 2019 Financial Statements, BPKH received an Unqualified Opinion (WTP) from BPK. Meanwhile, for the 2020 Financial Report, the audit process is still ongoing.


"Full data on this report is available on the official BPKH website," said Anggito.

During the webinar, there were participants who asked if it was possible for a Public Accounting Firm (KAP) to participate in auditing BPKH.


Regarding this matter, Anggito said that there was no provision for that matter, because the provision that BPKH is audited by the BPK is a mandate from the current legislation.

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