JAKARTA - The DKI Education Office has temporarily suspended the online registration process for new student admissions (PPDB) for 2021. This is following the many complaints that residents cannot access account registration on the PPDB site.

"In connection with the optimization of the online PPDB system, account submissions will be temporarily suspended starting from 16.00 to 18.00 WIB," wrote a statement on the official PPDB DKI website, Monday, June 7.

After the optimization process is complete, prospective students can again submit an account. In addition, the PPDB registration period through the achievement and affirmation pathway was also extended. Meanwhile, registration for the zoning line has not yet been opened.

"Registration time will be extended until June 10 at 14.00 WIB," he added.

Since this morning, many residents have complained about the online system in the Jakarta PPDB. Since opening from today, online PPDB servers are difficult to access. One of them is a resident of Rorotan, North Jakarta named Eva. He wants to enroll his sister in SMA Negeri 89, East Jakarta through the academic achievement path.

When you open the ppdb.jakarta.go.id site, the system can still be accessed. Then, Eva fills in the data to create an account for prospective students. When clicking on the application for account creation, the system cannot be accessed.

"Since this morning, the system has been down. Meanwhile, I saw that there were already 12 students who were able to register at SMA 89. If the system is still down like this, I'm afraid my sister won't be able to register at the high school she wants," Eva told VOI, Monday, June 7th.

Eva is confused if the system cannot be accessed, the DKI Provincial Government should provide further information about where the system error lies when applying for PPDB registration.

"I'm afraid that the system is in error, or our internet network or what, because there is no further notification," he said.

This complaint was also confirmed by the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative for Greater Jakarta. The chairman of the Ombudsman for the Greater Jakarta Representative, Teguh Nugroho, said that his party was also disturbed when monitoring the DKI PPDB website.

"Our observation, there is a problem with the server. This system is not ready when the traffic is full due to parents competing to create accounts," said Teguh.

Teguh said, there were two most prominent findings. First, the server's ability to handle high registration traffic, so parents have difficulty accessing the registration page. Second, there were complaints from students' parents regarding the column from school that did not appear.

"DKI Disdik must immediately prepare mitigation so that this problem can be anticipated immediately," he said.

Responding to this, the Head of the DKI New Student Admission Committee (PPDB), the DKI Education Office, Slamet, admitted that the PPDB system which was opened today was problematic.

Slamet explained that this problem occurred because many people were accessing the site at the same time. However, Slamet denied that the DKI PPDB server was down, but only slowed down access due to high traffic.

"I make sure that today's system continues to work from this morning. We have monitored several and what problems are there. So, once again today's system is not down but is experiencing a slowdown," he said.

Currently, a team from the DKI Education Office is trying to fix an error in the DKI PPDB registration system. "Technically, we have prepared an increase in badwitch as well as additions such as servers, and others," he continued.

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