MEDAN - North Sumatra's PDI-P has criticized Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution. The criticism was made regarding the 100 days of Bobby Nasution's leadership.

In the 100 days of Bobby's tenure, the existence of the Kesawan City Walk (KCW) program was in the spotlight of PDIP. The criticism was made because President Jokowi's son-in-law was considered too insistent in carrying out the program in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Kesawan was a blunder step, the evidence was closed," said Deputy Chairman of the North Sumatra PDIP DPD, Aswan Jaya, Sunday, June 6.

Aswan mentioned the unpreparedness of the Medan City Government in carrying out the Kesawan City Walk. In the end, the program was highlighted by many parties because it was considered a violation of health protocols (prokes) due to the crowds.

"It's natural because he is young, in a hurry, because that's his political promise," he said.

In North Sumatra, especially in Medan, said Aswan, there is a culture of getting together or gathering. So that when there is an activity it will be attended by many people, and what becomes a note is the violation of the prokes.

North Sumatra's PDIP reminded Bobby Nasution that currently he was inherited by old bureaucrats. Not infrequently these bureaucrats, said Aswan, can only look for faces, not work.

"He (Bobby) must be wise in choosing his staff," Aswan said.

Aswan added that the task of the supporting political parties was completed when Bobby Nasution and Aulia Rachman were sworn in as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Medan.

After that, the political parties in parliament returned to their initial function, namely supervision.

"Not all must be justified, and also not all are to be blamed," said Aswan.

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