JAKARTA - Xbox announced it has joined the Accessible Games Initiative, a global initiative aimed at improving accessibility for players with disabilities.

Announced in the Game Developers Conference (GDC), Xbox will cooperate with a number of large companies such as Electronic Arts, Google, Nintendo of America, Ubisoft, and others to create new standards in game accessibility features.

The initiative, led by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), aims to provide clear information for players about the accessibility feature in video games through the "tag" system.

"With this tag, players can identify accessibility features in a game before buying them," the company said in an official announcement on its website.

For Xbox itself, as a first step, they will replace the Xbox Game Accessibility Feature Tags with tags from the Accessible Games Initiative which have similar functions.

Thus, players with disabilities will find it easier to find games that suit their needs and understand the accessibility features available.

Through this initiative, Xbox hopes to demonstrate the power of accessibility in connecting people, bringing happiness, and building communities in the game industry.

"We are excited to be a part of the Accessible Games Initiative and are pleased to share our experiences over the years in developing the Xbox Game Accessibility Feature Tags to help improve this new tag system with our partners," the company continued.

In addition, Xbox also hopes that the Accessible Games Initiative will not only encourage game developers to implement this tag for the sake of inclusion, but also inspire them to build more accessibility features in their games.

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