JAKARTA Public policy observer, Sugiyanto Emik, believes that efforts to disrupt and even bring down the Prabowo Subianto government will cause a political dilemma that could harm the nation and hinder development.
According to him, efforts to bring down Prabowo can be done in various ways either through political maneuvers or non-constructive public opinion. The increasing pressure on the Prabowo government could lead to impeachment or resignation.
"If this happens then constitutionally Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka will replace Prabowo's position as president. This situation can be a dilemma or precisely a simalakama for the Indonesian people," said Sugiyanto in his statement, Sunday, March 23, 2025.
He stated that those who wanted change because they thought Prabowo had failed had to accept the fact that his successor was Gibran, who was considered to still have minimal experience in national leadership. If this happens, it can exacerbate political instability and trigger distrust of the government.
On the other hand, Gibran's leadership will also face major challenges, especially because of the rejection from some people, considering that his capacity and track record are not strong enough to lead a country as big as Indonesia. And if a change of power occurs in this condition, the Indonesian nation will be trapped in a dilemma.
"This means that there will be two options, maintaining leaders who are considered to have failed or accepted new leaders whose quality is still being questioned. As a result, national stability can be disrupted, and strategic policies for development can be hampered by prolonged political turmoil," he explained.
Therefore, President Prabowo's critics should think again before continuing to attack his policies and leadership. constructive criticism is needed in democracy, but what only aims to weaken the government without offering concrete solutions can actually have a negative impact on the nation.
"If the main goal of criticism is to improve the state of the country, then the wiser thing is to provide constructive input. Not just trying to bring down a leader who is carrying out his duties," said Sugiyanto.
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