JAKARTA - The drug dealer who was arrested during a drug party with dozens of other people at the Cipanas villa, West Java made a shocking confession. 3 drug dealers were arrested, namely the initials HS, AR, and MS.

The drug dealer with the initials HS admitted that he had jumped into a drug dealer because of his interest in black businesses with lucrative profits.

"Indeed, I brought the item. It's not offered, it's just like that. I don't sell. Those who sell my subordinates", said HS at the North Jakarta Metro Police, quoted from a written statement by the Police Public Relations Division, Friday, June 4.

From this business, he has dozens of subordinates and makes himself a profit of up to IDR 100 million for one month.

“I have 48 subordinates. One month's profit can be IDR 100 million. I am free for three months in 2021. I did give them money too”, he said.

Suspect AR regretted participating in a drug party at the villa which eventually made him languish in prison again. “I was just free yesterday. At Puncak, I was invited to just get together or take a vacation. I just joined HS yesterday. I'm sorry because I saw the children, pity", said AR.

Before becoming a drug dealer, he worked as an iron dealer. But along the way, his efforts did not increase to make him choose another way.

The suspect was charged with Article 114 subsidiary 112 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a minimum sentence of 6 years in prison up to 20 years in prison.

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