JAKARTA - The Riau Islands Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force noted that hundreds of state civil servants (ASN) in the region had contracted COVID-19 since the March 2020 pandemic until now.

"There are hundreds of ASNs in Riau Islands contracted COVID-19, not yet reaching thousand people," said Head of the Riau Islands Health Office, Bisri in Tanjungpinang, Wednesday.

He said a number of government offices were temporarily closed due to one or several ASN people contracting COVID-19. Recently, a number of offices in the Riau Islands Provincial Government were closed because there were department heads and staff who contracted COVID-19.

According to Bisri, on average, they initially contracted COVID-19 from outside the office, then spread the virus to their workmates.

"They are in an air-conditioned room. Of course, this condition can spread the virus faster if you don't implement strict health protocols," he said.

Riau Islands Regional Secretary Tengku Said Arif Fadillah is concerned that many ASNs have contracted COVID-19.

"Many health workers and doctors have also contracted COVID-19," he said.

ASN must be an example for the community in implementing health protocols.

"ASN must be an example for the community in implementing health protocols," he said.

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