YOGYAKARTA - The Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X assessed that during the Eid Al-Fitr momentum, people's egos were still high in violating health protocols. As a result, two clusters of COVID-19 transmission emerged in the region.

"People tend not to care, they have high egos. They went shopping, meeting friends. They shouldn't violate it", said Sri Sultan at the Kepatihan Complex, Yogyakarta, quoted by Antara, Monday, May 31.

Two clusters of COVID-19 transmission between residents appeared in DIY, namely in Padukuhan Ngaglik, Caturharjo Village, Sleman District with 55 people confirmed to be exposed.

Then in Nglempong Hamlet, Umbulmartani Village, Ngemplak District, an Eid gathering cluster appeared with 52 coronavirus cases.

Previously, the Sultan had issued an appeal so that during Eid the community did not stay in touch face-to-face and replace it virtually.

"Yes, in fact, this (the emergence of two clusters) is an example, you know, we know that crowds are not allowed. We also make a decision if you want to go shopping and want to have a relationship, you must undergo a swab test. But I don't think that was done either", said the Sultan.

He regretted the attitude of residents who were ignorant of the rules and appeals that did not show an attitude of taking care of themselves and respecting others.

"(Some people) do not understand that what has been done does not comply with the rules. I am afraid they will never regret it. I hope it will not be like that", he said.

The King of the Yogyakarta Palace hopes that the cluster with exposure to hundreds of people will not spread to other locations in Sleman.

The Sultan asked the local government to take appropriate steps to suppress the rate of transmission so that it does not spread further.

"The method is to handle it quickly. Swab tests (after) five days, whichever is positive or negative, wait for another 10 days. In that condition, it will not grow again in the same location", said Sultan.

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