JAKARTA - PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri reminded all cadres to continue to contribute. She also asked her cadres to not only sell party names but not to work.

The reason is that she wants all PDIP cadres to have a character ready to work for the benefit of the people.

"Don't just sell the name of the party, only able to dress in party uniforms but you don't want to work. I really want to see all the party members present in their eyes, it's clear that he's definitely PDI-P," said Megawati at the inauguration ceremony of 25 party offices, broadcasted on PDI-P's YouTube, Sunday, May 30.

"That's how I want it. That's what we call the character. It's very clearly illustrated," she added.

The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia also asked her cadres to use the party office to carry out consolidation. So, the problems that exist in the community can be solved properly.

"So, if you all just want a position, to be DPP, DPD, DPC, PAC, but just hanging out, it's useless," she said.

Megawati also emphasized that if there are cadres who currently hold public positions but only sit down, they will certainly not be re-elected. Because people can see their performance.

"After five years (in office, ed) it's not necessarily re-elected. Because of what? People also see it. People like that just sit around, never come to meetings, never get together to discuss," she said.

As previously reported, Megawati has inaugurated a number of party offices. At the level of the Regional Management Board (DPD), aka the province, three offices were inaugurated, namely the offices of the East Kalimantan PDIP DPD, Central Sulawesi PDIP DPD, and Maluku PDIP DPD offices.

For offices at the level of the Branch Management Board (DPC) or district/city, there are 16 regions, namely the East OKU PDIP DPC; Pulau Bumbu; Pulau Laut; Kapuas; North Barito; Pulau Pisau; Pamekasan; South Tangerang City; Sukoharjo; Murung Raya; Bojonegoro; Tasikmalaya City; Metro City; Brebes; South Barito; and North Tapanuli

Meanwhile, the party offices at the sub-district level or PDIP Sub-Branch Management (PAC) are in 6 sub-districts in Sukoharjo, Central Java, namely PAC Sukoharjo; PAC Nguter, PAC Bulu; PAC Weru; PAC Polokarto; and PAC Mojolaban.

In this event, Megawati was present from her residence on Teuku Umar Street, Central Jakarta. She was accompanied by the Secretary-General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto, who was present with the Chair of the DPP who was also the Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna Laoly, and Ahmad Basarah, who was also the Deputy Chair of the MPR.

Also present were the Deputy Secretary-General who is also the Chair of the PDIP faction in the DPR, Utut Adianto, and two DPP Chairs, namely Djarot Saiful Hidayat and Sukur Nababan.

Meanwhile, other PDIP members were present virtually. They are General Treasurer Olly Dondokambey and his deputy, Rudianto Tjen. Also the Chairs of the PDIP DPP such as Prananda Prabowo, Puan Maharani, Ribka Tjiptaning, I Made Urip, Bambang Wuryanto, Hamka Haq, Tri Rismaharini, Sri Rahayu, and Wiryanti Sukamdani. Likewise the other two vice deputy-general, Sadarestuwati, and Arif Wibowo.

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