JAKARTA - Russian President Vladimir Putin held a three-day meeting with the Ministry of Defense and Defense Industry which ended Thursday, May 27 yesterday. Specifically, Putin wanted several things about Russia's military future.

During this meeting, Putin's emphasis was on the strengthening of the Army (AD), Navy (AL), and the Russian defense sector.

"The analysis of military conflicts in recent decades and the development experience of the world's leading forces underlines the growing role of the efficient use of, say, cruise missiles from various bases as well as guided munitions", Vladimir Putin told TASS, Friday, May 28.

"It is important to ensure that our Army and Navy are equipped with such advanced precision weapons", he continued.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of top Russian military officials. (Sergei Ilyin / Russian Presidential Press and Information Office / TASS)

Putin further emphasized that in the future it is important for the Red Bear Country to maintain the required speed in producing advanced attack systems, as well as testing in intensive combat training courses.

It is known that the Russian military is currently receiving the latest Kh-101 and Kalibr long-range cruise missiles, ballistic and cruise missiles from the Iskander tactical missile system, several rocket launchers, and smart air bombs of various calibers.

"Based on their characteristics, they are not inferior and often outperform foreign rivals and are unique in several parameters", praised Putin, adding that their unique nature had been demonstrated in the real combat environment of counter-terror operations in Syria.

Interestingly, Putin said that the modern Russian army should be in numbers that are not too large but display efficiency.

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Russian military illustration. (Wikimedia Commons / Vitaly V. Kuzmin)

"I emphasize, for our country with its large territory, the largest area in the world, (the development of military transport flights) has special importance, so that our troops can remain compact, as we always say, but efficient. This is also important for the success of the operation. landing", he explained.

President Putin added that the Russian Armed Forces needed more military transport aircraft and helicopters and was taking steps to increase production of both.

"Currently, trials of the Il-112V light military transport aircraft are nearing completion, and delivery of the two aircraft are planned this year. Work is underway to continue production of the new technology-based Il-76 military transport aircraft and five aircraft. The Il-76MD-90A aircraft, serial production will be sent to the troops at the end of this year", he said.

"At the same time, based on the data provided, the Ministry of Defense needs more military transport aircraft and helicopters", Putin concluded.

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