JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the DPR, Taufik Basari, asked the State Personnel Board (BKN) to clearly disclose the reasons for marking 51 employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in red. BKN is a KPK employee assessor to become the state civil apparatus (ASN).

According to him, BKN has an obligation to tell the reasons why these employees do not have the opportunity to become ASN KPK again. Moreover, the announcement of KPK employees was only limited to verbally delivered by the KPK leadership.

"If BKN remains in this position, then there is an obligation to notify individuals of those who are not declared to be able to continue this process. Now it is oral, there is no decree yet," said Taufik at the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, 27 May.

The Nasdem politician assessed that with a detailed notification, employees who were unable to continue working at the KPK could receive legal assistance.

"It must be casuistic and to each of you who cannot continue this. So, they have the right to sue after there is a decree, "he explained.

It is known that 51 employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) did not pass the national insight test (TWK) and will be dismissed.

Deputy Chairman of the KPK, Alexander Marwata, said that the assessors' assessment of the 51 employees was red and impossible to be coached.

"The 51 people came back again from the assessor, he said this color was red and yes, it was impossible for coaching to be carried out," Alexander said in a press conference, Tuesday, May 25.

However, Alexander did not explain in more detail about the benchmarks for the assessment and the reasons why the KPK employee could not be coached.

Meanwhile, the Head of BKN Bima Haria Wibisana explained three aspects related to the TWK assessment.

The three aspects are personal, influence, and PUPN (Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI, and the legal government).

"For the PUPN aspect, the price is fixed. So adjustments cannot be made, from that aspect, "said Bima.

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