JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency admitted that there was a system error when issuing tsunami early warnings in East Java, NTB, Bali, NTT and Central Java.

Therefore, Head of Public Relations of BMKG Akhmad Taufan Maulana said the message containing earthquake information and tsunami early warnings sent via SMS from KominfoBMKG was incorrect.

"BMKG stated that the information was incorrect, because there had been an error in the system for sending earthquake information and tsunami early warnings via the SMS channel," said Akhmad in a written statement, Thursday, May 27.

Akhmad said, currently BMKG together with Kominfo are conducting more in-depth searches and investigations into the causes of the error in the SMS system so that information on an earthquake has a potential for a tsunami.

He asked the public to remain calm. This is because the results of BMKG monitoring are currently not experiencing an earthquake measuring M8.5 in the territory of Indonesia.

"The information that is spread is also not a prediction of earthquakes that will occur in the near future, because until now there is no technology in the world that can predict precisely and accurately when, where, and how much strength an earthquake will occur," he explained. .

As is known, this morning a number of people were shocked by the SMS from the BMKG that entered their cellphones.

"Tsunami Early Warning in JATIM, NTB, BALI, NTT, Central Java, Earthquake Mag: 8.5, 04-Jun-21 10: 14: 45WIB, Lok: 10.50LS, 114.80BT, Kdlmn: 10Km :: BMKG," wrote a message from sender of KominfoBMKG.

Shortly after that, KominfoBMKG re-corrected the message, "Sorry there was an error in the TEST delivery system - Tsunami Early Warning in JATIM, NTB, BALI, NTT, JATENG, ... :: BMKG".

This misinformation made netizens excited. The word "BMKG" is perched on the trending topic of Twitter social media because of the many conversations about BMKG. There are netizens who feel that they are being bullied.

"Already shocked, I was pranked by BMKG, Allah," wrote the Prakasitta account.

"I think it is too fatal considering it is a natural disaster that humans cannot predict. What if later there is a serious SMS from BMKG and is ignored by the public and thinks there is another system error?" said the ontajawa_ account.

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