BANDUNG - Bahar bin Smith was sentenced to 5 months in prison for the case of mistreatment of an online taxi driver named Ardiansyah. The act of persecution by Bahar was carried out in September 2018.

"Sentenced Bahar bin Smith to imprisonment for 5 months while still being detained," said the prosecutor reading out the charges at the Bandung District Court (PN), Thursday, May 27.

The thing that eases Bahar's demands is to admit what he has done and that peace has taken place.

At the previous trial, Bahar's attorney showed that there was a peace statement between Bahar and the victim. The letter was signed by the two of them on the seal.

"This will make it easier for the defendant to admit his actions," said the prosecutor.

Bahar was charged with Article 351 of the Criminal Code, paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code. Meanwhile, the primary indictment, namely Article 170, is considered unproven.

For the charges read out by the prosecutor, Bahar admitted that he was grateful and thanked the prosecutor for prosecuting him even though his five-month imprisonment was not light.

"For me it is quite not heavy and light, so I thank the prosecutor for weighing and being fair. I mean the prosecutor in my case, thank you for being fair by suing me for 5 months, I am grateful for these demands and it is Allah who move the prosecutors carefully, "he said.

Previously, Bahar Smith had admitted to mistreating the victim. According to him, the attack was carried out because he heard his wife, Jihana Roqayah, was being teased by the victim. After admitting that he had mistreated him, Bahar also apologized in front of the panel of judges at the trial.

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