CIANJUR - The alternative route Jonggol-Cipanas, Cianjur, West Java, was cut off due to a landslide as high as one meter with a length of 12 meters.

Landslides precisely located on the Mariwati road, Sukaresmi subdistrict resulted in traffic flow from both directions completely hampered.

"The landslide occurred Monday at midnight," Sukaresmi Police Chief Commissioner Adjutant Irwan Alexander said as quoted by Antara on Monday, May 24.

There were no fatalities or material losses in the incident. However, the vehicle cannot cross from both directions due to the height and length of the avalanche material.

He explained that the landslide occurred after Sukaresmi area was rained heavily from afternoon to evening. The 3.5-meter cliff landslide covered part of the road with a height of one meter and a length of 12 meters.

A joint team consisting of the National Army/National Police (TNI/Polri), village and sub-district officials, Retana, and local residents tried to get rid of landslide material that closed the road so that the flow of vehicles could cross again because by night the line was widely traversed by vegetable transport vehicles for sale to the market.

The effort was carried out while waiting for heavy equipment after coordinating with the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and related agencies in Cianjur Regency. The thickness and length of the avalanche material caused evacuation efforts to be disrupted due to the use of manual tools such as hoes and shovels.

"We have coordinated with BPBD and related agencies to immediately lower the heavy equipment because of the height and length of avalanche material in the form of soil, stone, and mud. We hope the heavy equipment comes soon and the evacuation can go quickly," he said.

Cipanas-Jonggol alternative route, many vehicles transporting product that will be sold in a number of local markets in Cianjur and Jabotabek. As a result of the line being cut off, it alerted officers a few meters before the location to direct to another lane.

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