JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) submitted dozens of evidence to face a pretrial hearing against former President Director of PT Pelindo II Persero Richard Joost (RJ) Lino. In addition, the Antirasuah commission also presented two expert witnesses in the trial.

"Kpk has submitted 56 evidence and presented two criminal experts submitted in the pretrial hearing", said KPK Spokesman for Enforcement Ali Fikri, Monday, May 24.

All the evidence, he continued, was obtained in a series of activities from the investigation to the investigation process.

Not only that, Ali said KPK has worked maximum for the last five years to complete the evidence that is ready to be delegated to the Corruption Court.

Thus, based on the provisions of Article 109 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code, there is no longer any reason to stop the investigation of alleged corruption conducted by RJ Lino. "Because this case is sufficient evidence, it is a criminal act, and there is no reason for the KPK law to stop the investigation", Ali said.

Furthermore, he also ensured that all actions taken by his party in dealing with this alleged corruption were by the rule of law.

"Therefore, the judge should have rejected the pretrial application submitted by the RJL suspect", he said.

Previously reported, RJ Lino filed a pretrial lawsuit. He asked for his release from the KPK Prison.

The request was submitted by Agus Dwiwarsono as RJ Lino's attorney when reading the pretrial application, at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, May 18.

He called the investigation and detention of his client invalid and unfounded under the law.

In this case, KPK suspects RJ Lino is against the law and abuses his authority as President Director of PT Pelindo II to enrich himself, others, and or corporations.

He allegedly ordered the direct appointment of a Chinese company, Wuxi Huangdong Heavy Machinery (HDHM) as the executor of a three-unit QCC procurement project at PT Pelindo II.

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