JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ensures that their work is not disrupted even though polemics related to the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) continue to occur.

This was conveyed by Acting Kpk Spokesperson for Enforcement Ali Fikri in response to the reporting of 75 unqualified employees (TMS) in TWK and led to reporting their leaders to the KPK Supervisory Board.

"No (interfere with kpk performance, red)," Ali said when contacted by VOI, Thursday, May 20.

He explained, currently the work on the deputy crackdown is still ongoing. "So are programs and activities at other deity," he said.

Ali said that the uninterrupted work of eradicating corruption is due to the work patterns in the internal KPK. Because, so far there is no individual work because all activities are carried out as a team by forming a task force (task force).

"The work in kpk throughout the deputy is done no one individually but as a team in the form of a task force led by the head of the team or kasatgas with the control of the director of each directorate as his direct supervisor," he explained.

Previously, as many as 75 KPK employees who were declared not to pass the National Insight Test reported five KPK leaders to the supervisory board, Tuesday, May 18.

The five kpk leaders are KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri and four VICE Chairmen of kpk lili Pintauli Siregar, Nurul Ghufron, Alexander Marwata, and Nawawi Pomolango, respectively.

This report is based on several things, including the honesty regarding the fate of employees who did not pass the assessment. However, later the KPK leadership actually issued a decree that does not provide assessment results but asks dozens of employees to give up their responsibilities.

Not only that, reporting is also done to the Ombudsman ri. This was done because the employees considered the assessment to be maladministration.

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