SURABAYA - Hundreds of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) were sent back to their respective regions on Tuesday, May 18. Apart from East Java, the PMI also came from various regions such as Central Java and East Nusa Tenggara.

"There are a total of 127 PMIs based on the results of the negative PCR swab test for COVID-19. Their return has been carried out in stages by their respective regional governments," said the Head of UPT P2TK of the East Java Manpower and Transmigration Office, Budi Raharjo, Wednesday, May 19. .

Budi said that hundreds of PMIs had previously tested positive for COVID-19 after undergoing an examination at Juanda Airport in Surabaya. They immediately underwent independent quarantine and isolation at Haji Sukolilo Hospital Surabaya and Indrapura Field Hospital.

Hundreds of PMIs came from Ponorogo, seven people, Banyuwangi five people, Sampang 16 people. Then Sumenep seven people, Bangkalan 10 people. Apart from that, there were three people from Tulungagung, Trenggalek two people, and Madiun one person.

In addition to PMI from East Java, there are also 15 PMIs from outside East Java whose swab results are confirmed to be negative. Among them came from Kupang NTT, East Lampung, Lombok NTB Regency, Pati Regency, Central Java, Sumbawa Regency, Surakarta Regency, and the city of Balikpapan.

"They were immediately sent home to their respective areas, using the Scoot TR 262 plane on Tuesday," he said.

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