JAKARTA - The United States has again taken its veto power for the third time to stop the UN Security Council's efforts to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

At the first emergency UN Security Council meeting on Sunday, May 10, through Wednesday, May 12, the United States took a different stance. At the second meeting on Thursday, May 13, yesterday, there was also no joint decision by all members of the UN Security Council regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


As reported by AFP, at the second meeting, actually 14 of the 15 members of the Security Council supported the adoption of a joint declaration to reduce tensions between Israel and Palestine. However, the United States - which is a close ally of Israel - is against that.


The United States considers that the UN Security Council is sufficient to state concern. According to him, the joint declaration was "counterproductive".


Since it did not get a unanimous vote, in the end, the three UN Security Council member states, Tunisia, Norway, and China asked that an emergency meeting be held again.


According to a diplomat, the idea of the third meeting in less than a week was being pushed by the Palestinians.


The aim of the new meeting was actually to try to contribute to peace and so that the Security Council can express itself and call for a ceasefire.


But again, at the third meeting, which was held on Sunday, May 16, through Monday, May 17, yesterday was at a dead end. The reason is that the United States has again blocked the adoption of a joint statement by the United Nations Security Council calling for an end to violence between Israel and Palestine.


The draft drafted by China, Tunisia, and Norway was submitted on Sunday, May 16, at midnight for approval by 15 UN Security Council member states on Monday, May 17, local time, was countered by the US, as Israeli fighter jets continued to pound the Gaza Strip. and the total death toll from fighting in the past week exceeds 200 people.


One UN diplomat told AFP that the US indicated it "cannot currently support the statement" by the UN Security Council.


The last three UNSC meetings ended without reaching a common position - with The US as a close ally of Israel is accused of deliberately obstructing the UNSC efforts.


For this reason, the Norwegian diplomatic mission to the United Nations announced that the UN Security Council will hold its latest closed emergency meeting to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Tuesday, May 18, at local time. This will be the fourth meeting since May 10.


"The situation on the ground continues to deteriorate. Innocent civilians continue to be killed and injured. We repeat: Stop attacks. End hostilities now", said a statement by the Norwegian diplomatic delegation via Twitter.


UN spokesman, Stephane Dujarric, explained the importance of a consolidated position regarding the conflict. According to him, a strong and united voice from the UN Security Council will affect the Israeli and Palestinian conflicts.


I will seriously restate the need for a very strong and united voice from the Security Council, which we think will affect", he stressed.


United Nations Obstructed by the US, Parliament Suggests Indonesia Raise Support from Muslim Countries


The international community's attitude through the United Nations (UN) has not offered a short and long-term solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Chairman of the Bilateral Cooperation Group (GKSB) of the Indonesian and Palestinian parliaments, Syahrul Aidi Maazat, assessed that Indonesia as the world's largest Muslim country has a major role in mobilizing international support both politically, economically and even in humanitarian assistance.


According to him, Israel must be suppressed from all sides, not just hoping at the UN.


"Palestine really hopes for Indonesia's role in the international world, especially in politics. If the UN resolution cannot be guarded because of the strong pressure from the United States, Indonesia can play a role beyond that", Syahrul told reporters, Monday, May 17.


For example, in the G-20, OIC, ASEAN, or bilateral relations with Muslim countries or countries that are concerned about the conditions in Palestine.


This member of Commission V of House of Representatives emphasized that in addition to short-term politics, Indonesia can encourage humanitarian assistance from the international community for post-conflict mitigation.


Moreover, he said, Palestine desperately needs material and immaterial assistance. West Bank, as if it is currently a large prison surrounded by Israel from all sides.


"Palestine is very difficult at this time. Indonesia can play a role by raising humanitarian aid from Muslim countries or donor countries. This assistance is used for post-conflict or conflict-time repairs", he explained.


Syahrul Syahrul proposed that the government could allocate a special budget for Palestine as a concrete action from Indonesia.


Indonesia Asks the OIC States to Push for a Ceasefire

Meanwhile, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi attended the Extraordinary Open-ended Ministerial Meeting of the OIC Executive Committee which was held virtually, Sunday, May 16.


The meeting discussed Israeli aggression in the Palestinian territories, especially Al-Quds Al-Shareef or Jerusalem and also the Gaza strip.


"For this reason, in this meeting, Indonesia conveyed or proposed several key steps that the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) must take", she said in a virtual broadcast, Monday, May 17.

First, to ensure unity among OIC member states and unity of all stakeholders in Palestine. "Without unity, the OIC will not be able to become a driving force for international support for Palestine. Likewise, Palestine can only be independent if it is united", explained the Foreign Minister.


Second, the OIC must seek an immediate ceasefire. "I urge each OIC country to use its influence to push for a ceasefire as soon as possible", said the Foreign Minister.


Third, for the OIC to remain focused on helping the independence of the Palestinian people. The OIC, said Retno, must make more efforts to encourage the start of credible multilateral negotiations, guided by internationally agreed parameters to achieve sustainable peace.


"The struggle to support Palestine is far from over. The OIC unity must be maintained to support the Palestinian struggle. And Indonesia will continue to support the Palestinian struggle", said Foreign Minister Retno.

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