JAKARTA - People from eight villages in Kuala Batee Subdistrict, Southwest Aceh (Abdya) District, Aceh Province feel uneasy with the emergence of swarms of flies that "attack" their settlements.

"People are starting to worry about the attack of these flies because they can carry bacteria that cause and can contracted the disease," said Syamsuddin Ismail, a resident of Kuala Batee, Abdya in Blangpidie, as reported by Antara Wednesday, May 19.

The eight villages that experienced the fly attack were Ie Mameh Village, Rumoh Panyang, Alu Pisang, Lhok Gajah, Muka Blang, Krueng Batee, Lama Muda, and Gampong Keude Baro, Kuala Batee District, Southwest Aceh District.

He said that the disturbance of flies since the last week of attacking settlements made residents uncomfortable. Apart from flying in yards and public places, flies have also entered residents' homes.

"We are horrified to see them, when crowding they appear black because there are so many," said Syamsuddin.

According to Syamsuddin, the cause of a large number of flies is thought to have come from a company's chicken farm, which is estimated to be 60 meters from residential areas.

"We are no longer comfortable. "The farm management should know the effect of its business, do not seek profit from the suffering of the community," he said.

Moreover, he added, currently chicken livestock companies in the residential area have seven chicken cages that are suspected to be the source of flies.

"We expect the related party to overcome this problem because it has been two years that the community has endured this epidemic. Do not seek profit from the suffering of the community," he said.

Head of the Southwest Aceh Health Service, Safliati, said that his party had not received a report from the public regarding the fly attack that hit the eight villages.

"It is supposed to be reported to us because the effects of those flies can cause serious illness. If it has been reported, a team of environmental health officers will come down to check," he said.

Safliati said that his party would coordinate with related parties to deal with the fly pest, such as the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Service, so that there is a solution to overcome it.

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