JAKARTA - The police have named 5 suspects in the hot air balloon filled with firecrackers that exploded in Sabrang Village, Delanggu, Klaten, Central Java. This 3-meter hot air balloon contains various sizes of firecrackers.

The explosion of a hot air balloon filled with firecrackers occurred on Monday, May 17 morning. This hot air balloon fell in the yard of a resident's house. The windows of the house were damaged by the explosion that occurred when the hot air balloon fell.

Head of Klaten Police AKBP Edy Suranta Sitepu explained that his party together with the Inafis team and the bomb squad came to the location.

"Arriving at the TKP, we found a lot of paper from firecrackers, there were firecrackers that had not exploded. We contacted the Bomb team for disposal. The Bomb team collected evidence, gunpowder collected approximately 1 kilogram and disposal at the Police shooting range", said AKBP Edy Suranta in a press conference, Tuesday, May 18.

From the crime scene, the police moved to arrest 5 people making hot air balloons filled with firecrackers. The five suspects are in Magelang, Central Java.

The army suspect was in the role of collecting paper to wrap firecrackers. The suspect AP made balloon frames from bamboo. Meanwhile, the suspect NT played a role in making the ignition from the cloth fly the hot air balloon.

"MM plays a role in making a sheath with paralon. N balloon assemblers", said AKBP Edy.

Previously the suspects also made hot air balloons filled with firecrackers on Saturday, May 15. They deliberately filled the hot air balloon with firecrackers.

"On Monday the balloons were flown according to the perpetrator, their axes were cut off, and the large firecrackers did not explode. According to the suspect, this activity is traditionally unjustified. We hope that the residents will think about security", he continued.

The suspects who made hot air balloons filled with firecrackers in Klaten were charged with the Emergency Law and Article 188 of the Criminal Code.

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