JAKARTA - The head of the Jakarta cagub-cawagub pair winning team number 01 Ridwan Kamil (RK)-Suswono or RIDO, Ahmad Riza Patria, revealed allegations of fraud in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. Starting from the practice of money politics or money politics to the distribution of basic necessities.
"Indeed, there are still frauds that occurred as yesterday we conveyed at a press conference in this room that there had been money politics and also the spread of basic necessities in order to influence them," Riza said at a press conference at the Golkar Party DPD Office, Central Jakarta, Thursday, November 28, evening.
Based on the findings, Riza continued, there was the distribution of basic necessities on Pulau Seribu that occurred during the quiet period. According to him, this injures the pilkada process in DKI Jakarta.
"It turns out that our suspicion is correct and in several places including on Pulau Seribu yesterday there were a lot of basic necessities that were ready to be distributed, this is one of the factors that injured the regional election process in DKI Jakarta. It turns out that there are still those who use it in fraudulent ways, namely money politics and the distribution of basic necessities on calm days," he explained.
In addition, Riza said, his party also found allegations of fraud in which there was illegal misuse of ballots for the Jakarta cagub-cawagub pair number 03, Pramono Anung-Rano Karno.
"Including earlier in Pinang Ranti, including if you see this in the video, imagine yes, this video is very clear, the voice is invalid, but it has been submitted in number three. It means there is fraud," he said.
The chairman of the DPD Gerindra Jakarta hopes that the KPU, Bawaslu, and law enforcement officers will investigate why there were letters that had been submitted before being used.
"This is a very real form of fraud, the first fraud, the distribution of basic necessities, secondly, money politics, thirdly, voting on letters before being used by the KPU but voting on number three," concluded Riza Patria.
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