10 Happiest Countries In The World 2021, Finland Beats Switzerland To Germany
Collage of the happiest countries in the world in 2021. (VOI/AFI)

JAKARTA - Measuring the level of happiness is not easy, because it is relative. However, the United Nations has its own way of determining the happiest country's memory each year.

How do you measure happiness? It seems like a vague concept to try to measure, being something that is mostly subjective from person to person.

First published in 2012, the annual World Happiness Report, the report has been conducted annually by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Metrics used when surveying citizens in each UN member state include social support, personal and civil liberties, life expectancy, per capita income, and corruption rates.

The new report released this year is slightly different. In addition to the usual criteria, the 2021 report analyzes people's emotional responses to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. How the government handles it, and how trust in the government itself is related to happiness levels.

Visiting Euronews, here are the top 10 happiest countries in the world by the UN report.

10. Austria
Hallstatt, Austria. (Unsplash/Joss Woodhead)

With its capital Vienna retaining the title of the world's most liveable city in recent years, it makes sense that Austria will also appear so high in the rankings. As a high-income country with good social services, Austria values lifestyle and freedom more. From its beautiful nature to its thick culture.

9. New Zealand
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Auckland, New Zealand. (Unsplash/Partha Narasimhan)

The only non-European country to make the top 10, New Zealand consistently rates consistently for the right quality of life and work-life balance. Last year, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was also praised for her handling of the pandemic, with her initial actions thought to have saved countless Kiwi lives and helped open up communities earlier than any other part of the world.

8. Norway
Norway. (Unsplash/james obernesser)

In 2017, Norway briefly topped this list, before its akhinya began to fall a year later. However, Norwegians don't complain much about their life evaluations. With one of the best social security systems in the world and a thriving economy based on responsible management of natural resources. means collectively many people in this country feel safe and happy. And of course, living in an adoring country spending time outdoors, Norway's incredible natural beauty is sure to help too.

7. Germany
Cochem, Germany. (Unsplash/Kai Pilger)

Germany has jumped over 10 rankings in a year to become the new entry in the top 10 this year. Life evaluations have improved in the last two surveys, with better financial security and family stability being the main reasons. And at least until recently, Germans in general were happy with the way the country's leaders handled the pandemic.

6. Sweden
Stockholm, Sweden. (Unsplash/Catalina Johnson)

Often raised as the poster child of what scandinavian welfare models can do, Sweden has a lot to live for. Despite its lower ranking in this year's survey than in previous years, the country is still one of the best places in the world to live, work and raise families thanks to a respected education system and world-leading practices, including generous parental leave and free childcare.

5. Netherlands
Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Unsplash/Red Morley Hewitt)

Rising one place from sixth place to the middle of the standings, the Netherlands were just as happy as ever. And in the Netherlands, happiness begins from a young age. A series of reports in the past decade, including those made by UNICEF, the Dutch Statistical Office, and the World Health Organization (WHO), have all consistently shown high life satisfaction among Dutch adolescents.

4. Switzerland
Lucerne, Switzerland. (Unsplash/lin may)

The Swiss system of government may be an anomaly in most of Europe, let alone in the world. With regular referendums on key issues, Switzerland is some of the most politically skilled Europeans and heavily involved in terms of democratic participation. Having a big voice on how your country is run seems to be directly correlated with your happiness levels. And living in a fairytale landscape doesn't hurt either.

3. Denmark
Denmark. (Unsplash/Nick Karvounis)

Danish people have topped the happiness rankings in recent years. With lifestyle choices such as 'hygge' which is now internationally recognized. The Danish lifestyle has long been coveted around the world. As a bike-friendly country, respect for your environment has played a big role in the happiness of Danish people in general, as has having a good-paying job, a good work-life balance, and an excellent social security system, even if the country's ranking is slowly declining.

2. Iceland

Iceland. (Unsplash/Ji Seongkwang)

Few bother icelanders. In a small country where active volcanoes can erupt at any time, 350,000 Icelanders know how to work together in difficult times. It happened after the 2007 financial crisis that plunged the country into crisis, for example. Given the nature of his country, where the climate is often unforgiving and the winters are long, Icelanders are tough and friendly people. It looks in their happiness rankings.

1. Finland
Finland. (Unsplash/Saikrishna Saketh)

Named the happiest country in the world for four years in a row, Finland seems to have solved the secret to being happy. The fact that it is a high-income country whose education system envies the world may have something to do with it, as does the culture of self-care in saunas and outdoor activities. This year, above all, trust in government seems to play a big role. The report's authors note that Finland ranks very highly in the measure of mutual trust that has helped protect lives and livelihoods during the pandemic.

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