JAKARTA - The Heir to the Throne of the British Empire Prince Charles delivered the final message of Ramadan, as well as congratulations ahead of Eid al-Fitr for the Muslim community.

This message was conveyed in the upload of NazLegacyFoundation Twitter account, after participating in iftar activities together interfaith conducted online, on Monday.

"Assalamu'alaikum. Ramadan mubarak. Ladies and gentlemen, Muslims throughout the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth are preparing for Eid al-Fitr, after fasting in the Holy Month of Ramadan", Prince Charles began his message.

"I would like to extend my best sincere words to everyone celebrating this (Eid al-Fitr) festival", Prince Charles continued.

On this occasion, the Prince of Wales underlined the challenges muslims face when they participate in Ramadan in locked conditions for two consecutive years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

He also expressed contemplation of the death of his father, Prince Philip last month, which is said to have caused the British Royal family a major loss.

"This past year I know is very challenging for all of us and I am well aware of the impact of the pandemic on the Muslim community", he said in a video message.

"This year, too many families like me will have empty chairs at their dinner tables and friends will no longer be able to share celebratory hugs after Eid prayers", Prince Charles continued.

Hosted by The National News on Wednesday, May 12, the event is part of a series of virtual celebrations encouraging people to stay at home during Ramadan, as social restrictions prevent indoor gatherings.

The prince of Wales also appreciated the opening of the mosque as a COVID-19 vaccination centre and mentioned his recent visits to Finsbury Park and an East London mosque.

He spoke of the effects of pandemics and lockdowns on rituals of faith, communal worship and grief, but said the big step in vaccine campaigns would be to make it easier for people to get together immediately.

Prince Charles recognises the importance of interfaith fasting to foster meaningful relationships between different communities for an integrated Britain.

"When I suggest the idea of an annual interfaith iftar focused on young people to some of my good friends from the Muslim community, I have to say that my expectations are simple. Therefore, it is amazing to see how successful this event is", said the father of Prince William and Prince Harry.

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