JAKARTA - Commander Kodam (Pangdam) Jaya Maj. Gen. Dudung Abdurachman issued several ultimatums in the aftermath of his anger because Serda Nurhadi became a victim of the siege of debt collector groups.

Pangdam Jaya's anger is directed at financing companies or leasing companies and debt collectors. He asked that no more companies use debt collector services. The reason, the profession known as eagle eye is often used less beautiful actions.

"I hope that companies that utilize debt collector services will not return," Maj. Gen. Dudung told reporters Monday, May 10.

If companies still choose to use debt collector services, must use a polite way. Otherwise, the TNI-Polri will crack down on all things thugs.

"And I remind you again do not commit acts of thugism that will harm the people. Kodam Jaya with Polda Metro Jaya will be present as soon as possible," he said.

Not to forget, Dudung also appealed to companies to provide tolerance. Because, in the mass pandemic all sides of the economy slumped sharply.

"We understand that with COVID-19, there are many people who have difficulties, some are laid off, especially economic problems, health problems," he said.

"It's been over a year we've been going through like this. Therefore, on the parties, companies that provide loans to tolerate the community that is currently in difficulty," continued Dudung.

In addition, Dudung also insisted on bringing the case of serda nurhadi siege into the realm of law. Although the debt collectors with the initials YAKM, JAD, HHL, HEL, PA, GL, GYT, JT, AM, DS and HRL have apologized for their mistakes.

"Although he has apologized the legal process continues. The legal process remains to be handed over to the police," Said Maj. Gen. Dudung.

The reason for the legal process is because Indonesia is a country of law. Therefore, all issues must be resolved legally.

Moreover, from the results of the examination conducted by Pomdam Jaya, Serda Nurhadi has nothing to do with trying to prevent something. His actions were purely to help people who wanted to go to the hospital.

"After we check apparently has nothing to do at all because really serda Nurhadi just want to help not to happen congestion. The second is to help people in trouble," dudung said

Meanwhile, the police have designated 11 debt collectors as suspects.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that the determination of suspects based on the title of the case. They were convicted of criminal trespass with two pieces of evidence.

"11 people and their respective roles who have now been designated as suspects and carried out detention," said Yusri

The criminal offences committed by dozens of debt collectors are due to be attempted forfeiture. What's more, their actions are thugs.

"It's a car coming through here, then he's moving waiting for a power of attorney, the system is like thugs on the road," Yusri said.

'It's been criminally violated his name. Deprivation, theft, that we can report those elements," continued Yusri

In addition, based on the title of the case and examination, continued Yusri, the debt collectors turned out to be illegal. Even though they have a power of attorney from the company.

The context is illegal in this case, the debt collectors do not have a certain skill and classification. Thus, when collecting arrears against debtors prone to thugs.

"Although the power of attorney exists but has no classification, expertise, has no policies, the SPP does not exist at all, so it should not be. It's illegal," Yusri said.

Thus, in this case they are suspected article 335 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and article 365 of the Criminal Code juncto article 53 of the Criminal Code. The threat is nine years in prison.

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