JAKARTA - Former FPI High Priest Rizieq Shihab said he was unaware of the 14-day self-isolation rule for those with a history of traveling from abroad.

In fact, if from the beginning knowing about the rule Rizieq mentioned will cancel the event Maulid Nabi and the wedding party of his daughter, Syarifah Najwa.

Rizieq's statement began when the public prosecutor (JPU) alluded to his knowledge of the rules of isolation. Rizieq Shihab also mentioned not knowing about it.

"Has no one informed the FPI board in Jakarta regarding the arrival of the accused from abroad for any provision of self-isolation 14 days before the defendant travels to Indonesia, no one informs at all?" asked the prosecutor in a hearing at the East Jakarta District Court, Monday, May 10.

"Nothing, it's exactly what I got like that. I asked one of the managers, this if you go home how, need to be quarantined not ya, later in wisma Atlet? The answer was, if there is free COVID-19 from Saudi, Habib can go home. But if you don't have a letter habib quarantined," replied Rizieq.

In fact, Rizieq also mentioned that he and his family had conducted health tests related to COVID-19 before leaving for Indonesia. The goal, so that when it arrives there are no problems faced.

"That's why we're home. All I know is there's no need for quarantine anymore. So it wasn't intentional for me to run away from isolation. I don't know, if I know I'm isolated," Rizieq said.

Furthermore, Rizieq alluded that if he knew of the rule, then, it would be impossible for the Prophet's Birthday and his daughter's wedding party to be held.

The reason is, Rizieq will follow all the recommendations issued by the government. For, the rule is for the common good.

"If I know there is such an obligation Maulid I cancel. If I know, 'Oh this is 14 days can't be', I cancel maulid, I cancel the wedding, wait up to 14 days. But because I have absolutely no idea that I know there are prokes-prokes that must be maintained," said Rizieq.

To be known, in the case of petamburan crowd, Rizieq and five former FPI officials are accused of sedition to create a crowd in Petamburan in the wedding ceremony of his daughter and the prophet Muhammad SAW maulid.

Rizieq was charged with violating Article 160 of the Criminal Code jo Article 93 of Law No. 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine jo Article 55 paragraph 1-1 of the Criminal Code and or Article 82 paragraph 1 jo Article 1 59 paragraph 3 letter c and d Law No. 16 of 2017 concerning Community Organization jo Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 penal code jo Article 10 letter b penal code jo Article 35 paragraph 1 penal code.

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